

Some of the recent projects completed by Blue Environment include the following:

Carbon emissions assessment of Australian plastics consumption

The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) and World Wide Fund for Nature Australia (WWF) commissioned this study to quantify the carbon emissions of Australia’s plastics consumption and end-of-life (waste) management, and then quantify the potential carbon emissions of a range of possible system change scenarios. The key purpose of the project was to assist in building the evidence base for evaluating the most effective policy solutions for reducing the climate change impacts of plastics. View the summary report here: https://www.marineconservation.org.au/plasticemissions/

National waste data and reporting cycle

Blue Environment is engaged by the Australian Government to prepare a suite of data-related products for the period 2019 to 2022. These include the National Waste Report 2020, Australia’s data submissions to the Basel Convention, Hazardous waste in Australia 2021, the first edition of the Australian Standard for Waste and Resource Recovery Data and Reporting, a national database of waste and resource recovery infrastructure, and various other reports and data sets.

Mildura rural facilities assessment

Mildura Rural City Council commissioned Blue Environment to review their eight rural transfer stations. The project involved site assessments against best practice, community consultation, a traffic survey, data review and analysis. Opportunities for upgrades, operational efficiencies and rationalisation were identified.

FOGO modelling

On behalf of Hobsons Bay City Council, Blue Environment conducted modelling of potential food organic and garden organic (FOGO) collection services. This considered options for providing food only collection services, the expected diversion and recovery of organics, likely comparative total and net costs, and the environmental and social benefits of diverting food from landfill.

Single use plastics review

Maribyrnong City Council engaged Blue Environment to identify opportunities for reduction and phase-out of single use plastics within Council operations. The project included consultation and workshops with Council staff and venue operators to identify the types, quantities and patterns of use, as well as opportunities for avoidance, replacement and recycling. Council is currently implementing the recommendations.

Thamarrurr environmental audit

Working with the Centre for Appropriate Technology, Blue Environment undertook an environmental audit of the operations and facilities of the Thamarrur Development Corporation, a not-for-profit owned by members of the Wangka, Lirrga and Tjanpa peoples in Wadeye, NT. The work focused on skills, training and employment opportunities for resource recovery and value-adding.

Soil carbon review

Blue Environment undertook a review of the potential soil carbon benefits and opportunity for agribusiness Nugrow to obtain carbon credits under the Emissions Reduction Fund for an agricultural intensification project using compost to restore soil on cropping land in Qld.

Cairns Materials Recovery Facility review

On behalf of Cairns Regional Council, Blue Environment assessed the Cairns MRF against best practice and identified options for improvement. Detailed analysis of options for infrastructure upgrades were undertaken and considered in line with the introduction of the Qld container refund scheme. The project considered material flows (including contamination, quality issues and commodity markets) and a cost benefit analysis. Concept designs of the preferred infrastructure upgrades were developed in association with Wastech Engineering.

Zero carbon communities program

Blue Environment provided technical advisory support to Beyond Zero Emissions for development of the framework and implementation of their Zero Carbon Communities program.

Cradle Coast strategic plan

Blue Environment developed the 2017-2022 Strategic Plan for the Cradle Coast Waste Management Group. The project included consultation with member councils, analysis of past performance, establishment of key performance indicators for future benchmarking, and development of 5 year budgets for the next generation of achievements in waste management and resource recovery in the region.

Guide to developing a waste management strategy

Barwon South West Waste and Resource Recovery Group commissioned Blue Environment to prepare a guide for development of municipal resource recovery and waste management strategies for use by the group’s member councils. Project outcomes included the Guide, template versions of a background report and the strategy, and additional support resources including spreadsheet analysis tools, graphics and photo library.

Waste to energy regional micropower network

On behalf of the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, Blue Environment assessed the feasibility of developing a regional network of small-scale waste to energy facilities. Investigations included stakeholder consultation, analysis of waste and energy data, assessment of technology impacts, site inspections and assessment of siting/logistics, consideration of environmental, planning and regulatory requirements, detailed financial analysis, risk assessment and regional framework issues

Towards sustainable engineering

Blue Environment has developed a guide for engineers on how to achieve greater sustainability in their work. The guide is a tool for practicing engineers and provides a range of suggestions for implementing sustainability in all stages of a project or product development – from planning and design to project delivery and end-of-life considerations. Titled Towards sustainable engineering, the guide was prepared for Engineers Australia’s College of Environmental Engineering.

Guides to Best Practice

Blue Environment has developed a number of Guides to Best Practice to benchmark waste and recycling practices around Australia. For Sustainability Victoria, we have developed the Guide to Best Practice at Resource Recovery Centres and the Guide to Best Practice for Organics Recovery. For Tasmanian regional waste groups, we have developed the Tasmanian Transfer Station Best Practice Guidelines. The guides reflect industry practices and legislative requirements, and include direction on sustainable design, planning, technology and equipment, and operation and management of resource recovery infrastructure.